02-07-2007, 01:03 PM
crimson-tide Wrote:Why you a being a newB? Ebotdz gives 30 to attributes, if you going Vita build it adds 90 to Vita, GD sit down...
If your going strg build it saves you 30 points that u can sink to strg.
Like i said to frater! you only look at the damage side of things! I can own 415 EBOTDZ barbs with my 415 EBOTDCB barb.... you need to rethink what you are saying....
BTW 1% strg adds 1% damage? GD sit down!
Have u even tested grief vs ebotd anyways for the bvb?
make your bvb the way you want.. if you useast nl, ill show you why i can beat ebodz and griefz barbs with my ebotdcb.....
with my old grief barb i beat every barb with an ebotd and they were very rare because no one likes them