04-18-2007, 12:59 AM
whenever i see something like this, one question comes to mind: what the ****? and the reason is that i wonder what drove that mentality in the shooter's head to just get a gun and start killing people? gun culture? society? i don't know but those don't sound like the actions of someone who is mentally stable? sympathy to the victim's families because i can't see why someone would do this. i know life pisses on you sometimes but still, no need to go massacre a bunch of people just beacause life is treating you like shit, everyone has it happen one time or another but it's scary how much gun crime you see in the news now. it's just so depressing when you hear on the news "another high school massacre happened..." or "someone was stabbed today..." just because those people didn't stop to think what their actions would mean in the long run.
rant over.
rant over.