03-10-2007, 02:08 AM
*Swirling visions dance like incandecnt shimmers of light,memories tease at her mind*
*Pamela moans softly,as these visions seem to restore her energy,her eyes flutter open*
*Momentarily confused,she gazes about in order to orient herself*
*Carefully rising,she pivots and sees the dead,and the battle ,being fought and won,suddenly comes rushing back and Pamela catches her breath*
*Then she remembers hiding Neebs,for his own safety,nodding to a nearby soldier,she begins to go for her weakened friend*
*Pamela moans softly,as these visions seem to restore her energy,her eyes flutter open*
*Momentarily confused,she gazes about in order to orient herself*
*Carefully rising,she pivots and sees the dead,and the battle ,being fought and won,suddenly comes rushing back and Pamela catches her breath*
*Then she remembers hiding Neebs,for his own safety,nodding to a nearby soldier,she begins to go for her weakened friend*
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...
A Light in your Darkness...always there...and burning...