03-19-2007, 11:06 AM
Bartender Wrote:What kind of realm do you play? Hammerdins don't teleport around. They make a hammer field where each hammer over laps another so you get locked in it if you try to teleport on them. And smiters that don't desynch then namelock charge? Wow, I should play europe. And hammer/auradins? Lol'd. And what's with the bvcs that don't use unsummon?What exactly are you trying to say? Oh well, I'll go through it 1 by 1.
a) For Hammers, desynch is not the way to play vs. Druids. Most Windies will just sit you out. I don't know what realm do you play, but in your realm, do Windies just tele right into hammerfields? LOL. Anyone with a brain can beat such a Hammerdin. The ones that I've found to be the hardest (get your ass to Europe and whisp *Kamber, [actually he may have sold his account, I'm not 100% sure]) don't rely so much on Hammerfield. If you actually ever duel someone good, you'll see what I mean.
b) Where did I say that Smiters don't desynch? Or on your realm, do you actually have Smiters that don't do it? Why state the ****ing obvious?
c) Once again, try figuring something out for yourself and don't put words in my mouth (for I couldn't find where I said that they will not namelock).
Sure, by all means come to Europe. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two and won't ask any more stupid questions.