03-28-2007, 12:05 AM
Jammer74 Wrote:I'm having problems with my poison necro(pvm).He just wont survive very long.I'm using full trangs set with a 2/2/47 deaths web,1 soj,1 ravenfrost,Nats boots(lol,i need the resists).On weapon switch I'm using Blackbogs sharp cinquedas,and a hommy.My stats are enough to use gear,and the rest in vitality.Btw,he's only lvl 67.Poison nova is 4.5k over 2 seconds,and dagger is 11k damage over like 12 seconds.Even with all my points into vitality he only has 700 life.I need a pros help,like maybe you,Frater.Or anyone who knows anything about poison necros.You pretty much answered all of your questions within you post.
1) He is only lvl 67.
2) He is using Trang Oul (sucks)
3) He is using Nat boots (suck)
4) No CTA
Necs have low life by default and a lack of CTA means that he will be very lacking.
Throw away Trangs, it is not even worth pgems.
Get gear that is nowadays standard, i.e. Enigma, Shako, etc.
Browse around the necro sections, there are plenty of threads on bone necs.