Go with this...
Helm-120/45(bone visage) or 2/20/2 (put 2x 40max/15ias)
Armor-160/60(archon) or CoH(archon) or Fort(archon) i use 160/60 or coh
Wep-Faith(GMB) *Switch*(Cta/Spirit) CTA Is a must have if Glass Cannon
Belt-Nosferatus Coil or Razortail
Ammy-Cats Eye
Ring- 2x Raven Spiral(non perm) or 2x Raven Frost(20 dex)
Gloves-2 passive, 20 ias, KB "THESE GLOVES ARE A MOST HAVE"
Now this is pretty tricky..
You can be a glass cannon(my favorite) or you can have high life low dex or half and half. Or go 2 life 3 dex.
Pretty much this is what i did.
Str-Only enough for my gear"AFTER TORCH AND ANNI"
Vil- around 100 after all gear/charms
*Bow Skill*
Magic Arrow-1
Multi Arrow-5 "10 at max"
Guided Arrow-20 "Your Main attack"
Strafe- 20 "Teach people not to run right into you" ~!~!~KB NEEDED~!~!~
Inner Sight-1
Slow Missle-1 "Very good on casters and other range attacks"
Decoy-1 "Works 30/70 of the time" "For WW, Trap, Tele Casters"
Valk-1 "You have lots of points and you use only 1 here"
Dodge-5-10 Go till 60% "after gear and charms"
Avoide-5-10 Go till 60% "after gear and charms"
Evade-5-10 Go till 60% "after gear and charms"
Pierce-1 "Even if you are using Razortail"
You use 97 skill points with all of these, i would sugest using them into dodge/avoide/evade, if they are not 60% already. The rest of the skills you get should go into Multi arrow and Criticle "Till max 60%" If already at that then put into Pierce "IF YOUR NOT USEING RAZORTAIL!"
If you use razortail then go to Slow missle or D/A/E or Inner Sight "All up 2 you"
Torch-15/15+ Make sure you have more resist on Torch if you use 160/60
Anni-1x/15+/x Make sure you have more resist on Anni if you use 160/60
Resist Sc's if you use 160/60 *Only go at max 9 of these*
Mix and match 100+ psn dmg sc's with max dmg sc's Around 25+ of these "Depends on the armor you use"
You might want to pick up some 20life Sc's if you use the Glass Cannon.
Hope this helps you and anyone else that reads this. If you have questions on the stats post and i will answer them.
*The Stats up there are set for a Glass Cannon*
Glass Cannon-High damage with very low health
Helm-120/45(bone visage) or 2/20/2 (put 2x 40max/15ias)
Armor-160/60(archon) or CoH(archon) or Fort(archon) i use 160/60 or coh
Wep-Faith(GMB) *Switch*(Cta/Spirit) CTA Is a must have if Glass Cannon
Belt-Nosferatus Coil or Razortail
Ammy-Cats Eye
Ring- 2x Raven Spiral(non perm) or 2x Raven Frost(20 dex)
Gloves-2 passive, 20 ias, KB "THESE GLOVES ARE A MOST HAVE"
Now this is pretty tricky..
You can be a glass cannon(my favorite) or you can have high life low dex or half and half. Or go 2 life 3 dex.
Pretty much this is what i did.
Str-Only enough for my gear"AFTER TORCH AND ANNI"
Vil- around 100 after all gear/charms
*Bow Skill*
Magic Arrow-1
Multi Arrow-5 "10 at max"
Guided Arrow-20 "Your Main attack"
Strafe- 20 "Teach people not to run right into you" ~!~!~KB NEEDED~!~!~
Inner Sight-1
Slow Missle-1 "Very good on casters and other range attacks"
Decoy-1 "Works 30/70 of the time" "For WW, Trap, Tele Casters"
Valk-1 "You have lots of points and you use only 1 here"
Dodge-5-10 Go till 60% "after gear and charms"
Avoide-5-10 Go till 60% "after gear and charms"
Evade-5-10 Go till 60% "after gear and charms"
Pierce-1 "Even if you are using Razortail"
You use 97 skill points with all of these, i would sugest using them into dodge/avoide/evade, if they are not 60% already. The rest of the skills you get should go into Multi arrow and Criticle "Till max 60%" If already at that then put into Pierce "IF YOUR NOT USEING RAZORTAIL!"
If you use razortail then go to Slow missle or D/A/E or Inner Sight "All up 2 you"
Torch-15/15+ Make sure you have more resist on Torch if you use 160/60
Anni-1x/15+/x Make sure you have more resist on Anni if you use 160/60
Resist Sc's if you use 160/60 *Only go at max 9 of these*
Mix and match 100+ psn dmg sc's with max dmg sc's Around 25+ of these "Depends on the armor you use"
You might want to pick up some 20life Sc's if you use the Glass Cannon.
Hope this helps you and anyone else that reads this. If you have questions on the stats post and i will answer them.
*The Stats up there are set for a Glass Cannon*
Glass Cannon-High damage with very low health