04-29-2007, 01:08 PM
Speedyw00t Wrote:Well im looking for a char that at high lvl will stand a chance against every other build. I was thinking of making a traps, but i've seen hammers with abs thrash traps. Or a smiter/charger.
Just a char that stands a chance against most PvP chars. Doenst matter if he need multiple equipment or the cost.
Bm/Gm? Explain plz
Traps around, go behind them, hammerdin comes or any character for that matter, mind blast, gg.
. . . at ease, i puff trees till i look chinese
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?
. . . and immigration says can we see
. . . your green card, please.....?