05-11-2007, 12:31 AM
Back on topic....
There are not many christians that know facts of the Bible anymore. More and more people are losing touch with God and unknowingly falling sway to Satan. If I asked you Christians, or even people that are not, What happens when we die the most common answer is you either go to heaven and live with god forever or you burn in hell forever. The fact is neither is true. When you die, you are dead. You cease to exist until Jesus comes to earth and raises the dead. Now I have a question. Why would God bestow eternal life on a sinner so that he would burn in hell for eternity. He wouldn't. Depending on how you lived in life is what happens to you. For some he just kills you and you cease to exist and some will burn in the Lake of Fire for a number of years before he kills you. With that being said nobody burns in hell because hell means grave and in the bible it just refers to dead people. The Lake of Fire is where you will burn. Also there are three symbols that will burn forever. Satan the Harlot of all Harlots and the beast.
Now from the Bible I can prove who the beast and the whore are. A nickname os Satan is the prince of lies or the great deceiver or something like that. What is the greatest deception you can think of to sway God's people. That would be a church or church system that appeared to be a church of God but if you really look and are educated on an untainted Bible you could see right through the deception. Now this is Satan we are talking about and he has been doing this for some time so it would be a powerful church and in fact the most powerful of all. And that would be the Roman Catholic church. Now most catholics don't know they are involed with a church of Satan and God knows that. The symbol in Revolation symbolizes a church. So a virgin is a pure church and whore is a corrupt church. Well the Harlot is described and Harlot of harlots and the whore of whores. So obviously the pope and his upper "staff" knows what is really going on but none of them are the antichrist.
I don't have time to continue, however discover some information on your own. read Daniel and revolation. And find the book called The National Sunday Law it will help you understand what is being said. The Bible I go off of is KJV or even NKJV because they are not tainted by reliegon. Also when I say facts I mean facts from the Bible.
There are not many christians that know facts of the Bible anymore. More and more people are losing touch with God and unknowingly falling sway to Satan. If I asked you Christians, or even people that are not, What happens when we die the most common answer is you either go to heaven and live with god forever or you burn in hell forever. The fact is neither is true. When you die, you are dead. You cease to exist until Jesus comes to earth and raises the dead. Now I have a question. Why would God bestow eternal life on a sinner so that he would burn in hell for eternity. He wouldn't. Depending on how you lived in life is what happens to you. For some he just kills you and you cease to exist and some will burn in the Lake of Fire for a number of years before he kills you. With that being said nobody burns in hell because hell means grave and in the bible it just refers to dead people. The Lake of Fire is where you will burn. Also there are three symbols that will burn forever. Satan the Harlot of all Harlots and the beast.
Now from the Bible I can prove who the beast and the whore are. A nickname os Satan is the prince of lies or the great deceiver or something like that. What is the greatest deception you can think of to sway God's people. That would be a church or church system that appeared to be a church of God but if you really look and are educated on an untainted Bible you could see right through the deception. Now this is Satan we are talking about and he has been doing this for some time so it would be a powerful church and in fact the most powerful of all. And that would be the Roman Catholic church. Now most catholics don't know they are involed with a church of Satan and God knows that. The symbol in Revolation symbolizes a church. So a virgin is a pure church and whore is a corrupt church. Well the Harlot is described and Harlot of harlots and the whore of whores. So obviously the pope and his upper "staff" knows what is really going on but none of them are the antichrist.
I don't have time to continue, however discover some information on your own. read Daniel and revolation. And find the book called The National Sunday Law it will help you understand what is being said. The Bible I go off of is KJV or even NKJV because they are not tainted by reliegon. Also when I say facts I mean facts from the Bible.
Live, Learn, then STFU.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
I am Jack's smirking revenge.