05-07-2004, 10:42 PM
creaver_l Wrote:I just have to ask...as a pally newby myself here... i have concentration maxed along with hammer, vigor and blessed aim... (yes...its pure right now as far as i can tell less i screwed up somewhere)
but how do you determine damage on it.. i always here people talk about doing xxxxxk damage
mine goes to like 6k-7k range with concentration.... or is there some other way that you figure the hammer damage that im missing
(this is figuring on approximately lvl 27 to each of the above)
(now with these maxed, ill get 1 point into redemption and then start putting some into charge for confined areas that hammer dont help in)
but anyway... someone help me with how to get the hammer damage up..or what i need to do to get it way up there like others claim to have.
creaver the normal dmg is 6k-7k with the skill points uve maxed to get higher u need better gear.... for example my friends friend does 11k each hammer but he gots some elite gear hehe