So, I right click the shortcut, properties, shortcut tab, target: "C:\Program Files\Diablo II\Diablo II.exe.exe"_-direct_-exe
Right? I have that. I gave the data folder pasted in my diablo 2 file. C:\Program Files\Diablo II
Im even using the D2loader. Still not working. =/
I just tried downloading Nightlight. It works fine. Tried editing the skills there by replacing it with the fc one. Still not working. Nightlight is, but fc doesn't.
Right? I have that. I gave the data folder pasted in my diablo 2 file. C:\Program Files\Diablo II
Im even using the D2loader. Still not working. =/
I just tried downloading Nightlight. It works fine. Tried editing the skills there by replacing it with the fc one. Still not working. Nightlight is, but fc doesn't.