07-21-2007, 08:03 AM
XKazeCloudX Wrote:lol bbq did u just answer to a year old thread?
but anyways. i dont really duel in a clan so theres no official rules or anything. i just join the. duelzzzzzzz games. and usualy most people bm and sorb. so it really makes no fun for sins =[. there is countless times (like today..and yesterday with my friend trapper...) where i see a character being mb and 5 lightning is going through him in a second and its losing about 50 health. just totally bull...so i jumped in and spamed a few tornadoes and it died and the sorber said "wtf 2 vs 1" rolleyes:. so i suggest wind druid. cuz no sorb. at least u would DO damage to players when u hit them..
but im very sure trappers will be great when they dont bm.
yes because blizzsector is DEAD.