07-22-2007, 06:41 AM
well once again if u dont all remember me im lazy but like to hack stuff and was wondering is there or has anyone ever heard of a way to dupe gold or make like wirts body keep popping gold or anything like that at all and is there a way to refresh npc shops without leaving town and coming back ? like a packet for it? because in act 5 the larzuk guy can have 4 soc jewelers plate of the whale or squid which is pretty gfg for a bowazon but u gotta refresh him at least 2000000 time or more before he has one for sale a packet or program would eliminate so much time running from wp to him.the gold thing ive never heard of but anyone who knows anything plz post ur thoughts, and its kinda stupid but if theres a private gold dupe(i know it sounds lame ) lemme know im not asking for it just wanna know if its possible.thnx