08-21-2007, 01:19 PM
Let me just say that with my throwing barb #1 useast last ladder (not many others)
that pvm for me my favorite weapons were ethereal warshrikes, but ofc you need to wait for them to repair, I couldn't stand lacerators, with their monster flee mod. The main problem is your weapons get used up insanely fast. But anyway here is the gear:
arreats face
2x weapons whichever you decide upon
razortail belt <---piercing attack (you want this) and adds decent dmg with the dex
20ias knockback gloves prefer with stats/resists, yes you will want the knockback
angelic ammy+ring / leech ring+highlords / leech ring+metalgrid
wartravelers <---add lots of dmg / gores (these for bosses)
max/ar/life charms
My barb pvp had most trouble beating smiters / ww barbs (those damn max block sheilds and damage reduce)
I would have to resort to ww myself which I maxed
btw always looking for throwbarb vs throwbarb east nl /w *dylanwaters
20 double swing
1 double throw <--- this only gives attack rating, and I never needed that myself.
1 axe mastery
20 whirlwind
20 battle orders
20 throwing mastery
1 increased speed
1 natural resist
1 battle command
axe mastery because I would use ww with a fools axe throwing weapon in duels.
(of for you if you decide to ww with gimmershred)
Axe mastery does not add with throwing mastery just so you know.
Rare godly throwing weapons are only for duels, because they tend to have 80 or so max stack.
I believe with my mercs might+concentration auras I hit ~40k damage (this was with my rare throwing weapons ofc and all my charms)
With might / conc I think you should be able to hit ~10k max damage (possibly more) with non eth throwing weapons that are unique. (without too many charms)
that pvm for me my favorite weapons were ethereal warshrikes, but ofc you need to wait for them to repair, I couldn't stand lacerators, with their monster flee mod. The main problem is your weapons get used up insanely fast. But anyway here is the gear:
arreats face
2x weapons whichever you decide upon
razortail belt <---piercing attack (you want this) and adds decent dmg with the dex
20ias knockback gloves prefer with stats/resists, yes you will want the knockback
angelic ammy+ring / leech ring+highlords / leech ring+metalgrid
wartravelers <---add lots of dmg / gores (these for bosses)
max/ar/life charms
My barb pvp had most trouble beating smiters / ww barbs (those damn max block sheilds and damage reduce)
I would have to resort to ww myself which I maxed
btw always looking for throwbarb vs throwbarb east nl /w *dylanwaters
20 double swing
1 double throw <--- this only gives attack rating, and I never needed that myself.
1 axe mastery
20 whirlwind
20 battle orders
20 throwing mastery
1 increased speed
1 natural resist
1 battle command
axe mastery because I would use ww with a fools axe throwing weapon in duels.
(of for you if you decide to ww with gimmershred)
Axe mastery does not add with throwing mastery just so you know.
Rare godly throwing weapons are only for duels, because they tend to have 80 or so max stack.
I believe with my mercs might+concentration auras I hit ~40k damage (this was with my rare throwing weapons ofc and all my charms)
With might / conc I think you should be able to hit ~10k max damage (possibly more) with non eth throwing weapons that are unique. (without too many charms)