08-29-2007, 02:39 PM
eldritch/shenk is fast & easy, and occasionally might pop a surprise for u. Their rares are always nice. If you want to take a detour, u could pwn shenk in arreat plateau as well, he's got good drop rates.
pindle is a classic.
meph.. meh, could drop really useful things, and the councils around meph = good too, and an armor stack/thingiemajigee = good
personally, if I join a trade game or a heavy player game and find myself bored, i go to the pit. Its usually not filled with anybody,a nd with 8 players, the drop rate of monsters increases massively. If you were wondering what i've gotten this season from manually doing pit (no bots for it unfortunately), i've found really good socketables, tal armor, I saw a unique sacred armor drop (i think the person said it was a +1 templars, not positive), but as you can see, its got good potential. Also its not bad exp either, and hammerdins roll right through with ease, so try it out if u got time.
u could always go countess for key/runes
pindle is a classic.
meph.. meh, could drop really useful things, and the councils around meph = good too, and an armor stack/thingiemajigee = good
personally, if I join a trade game or a heavy player game and find myself bored, i go to the pit. Its usually not filled with anybody,a nd with 8 players, the drop rate of monsters increases massively. If you were wondering what i've gotten this season from manually doing pit (no bots for it unfortunately), i've found really good socketables, tal armor, I saw a unique sacred armor drop (i think the person said it was a +1 templars, not positive), but as you can see, its got good potential. Also its not bad exp either, and hammerdins roll right through with ease, so try it out if u got time.
u could always go countess for key/runes