09-27-2007, 11:36 PM
Fuggle Wrote:I can give good Class-race assignments on Horde side.Not entirely true.
Druid - Haha, only one race. Tauren
Mage - Undead
Warlock - Undead
Rogue - Undead
Priest (Shadow and PvP Holy priests) - Undead
Priest (Holy PvE) - BE
Warr - Tauren/Orc
Pally - BE (One race lol)
Hunter - I consider everything but BE to be pretty good.
Shaman - This I'm not sure about.
Will of the Forsaken is like the best racial ever
Warlock - Orc, if you're going to do PvP. Speaking in narrow lines, there is ONE Warlock PvP spec and that is Demonology. Demo locks can outlast pretty much everything, but they get owned by rogues, hence Orc racial is the best for extra stun resist. If you're thinking about making a Warlock for PvP, make an Orc, not Undead.
Rogue - Undead is generally the best, but once again, Orc is the best for Rogue v. Rogue duels (First Kidney shot wins, most broken setup ever), because if you resist a crucial stun, you can take the duel. Also, Troll rogues were really imba for some reason, cannot remember why.
Priest - UD for PvP. However, didn't Troll Priest have some pretty sweet racial curse for PvE? The one that when a target resurrects, he will only do so with 75% HP. They used to do it on A'lar, made the fight 1/4 shorter lol, until it got fixed pretty damn fast.
Shaman - Orc.