10-19-2007, 06:27 AM
You Can installl what ever u wont on a Windows OS that has nothing to do with servies , So u can Run Office Suite on Windows 95 if you wont to. BTW Post the Specs of the Computer. If its got a older bourd then u can overclock really fast and make it run super fast and its cheap as hell. I Have a old Dell server Runing Windows 2000 Adv Server with only a 900mhz CPU and running 1 gig of ram with a older Geforce 512 card a older 5K model can remember the spec of it and i can run just about anything on it and it only cost me about 150 bucks for the Computer Ram Card and operational system all together BTW Windows 2000 if free know there is no copyright on it no more sence they dont update it.