11-20-2007, 07:39 AM
SpoonMan999 Wrote:This is a common misconception, Intels sport higher frequencies (often confused with speed) true, but AMD processors typically run cooler and can perform 60% smoother than the Intel equivalent on media processes. Currently, a Core2 Duo vs. an Athlon X2 both at say $200 (That's $200 for the processor not the system) you generally get more bang for your buck from the Athlon. That, and if you're building a system with just basic parts the AMD heat sink fan is a million times better than the Intel.
Obviously for Angelz what he has access to it wont make a big deal but I felt I needed to throw in my two cents on that comment.
Hmm, thank you. Coming from anyone else I might have disregarded this, but from you, I will look more closely at it so I don't give the wrong advice again.