01-08-2008, 01:45 PM
hey, I'm Ruin-Tumult, or Brandon, if you prefer. I'm 16 years old, and will either be taking a major in political science, journalism, culinary arts or psychology. I love to participate in the school debate team, i love passions such as writing and the few arts i can manage, and i enjoy being random. I own a Wii, and play games such as Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition {awsome game}, HeatSeeker, RedSteel, Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. I sometimes play D2, but i mainly come to blizzard sector to hang out and relax. I have never eaten a cheese wheel, and I will someday own a short-beaked echidna as a pet {unless its illegial to own one}
KazeCloud Wrote:Barges in*
Hey guys. I want to argue about falling off the face of the earth.