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Recent warnings, infractions, and bannings;

Just wondering what happened with this... I stopped reading after my last post, which was as 'PameIa". Good work Grave, you fugging retard - PameIa =/= Joshy!

So now that the FBI, Canadian authorites, Grave's special internet lawyer and half of BZS is involved, when am I going to get a phone call? My computer hasn't been seized, my internet hasn't been cut... what gives? Could it POSSIBLY be that I had nothing to do with any of this?

Sure, I hacked into Pam's account the first time, and posted pictures of her cooter everywhere... but I had nothing to do with a mass banning, infractions or whatever this situation is about. Not that I even care anymore. This is the internet, I'm innocent of all crimes, both on and off line.

I had a good time while I was working here as a mod. Sure, I kind of threw it away; but now I have time for other things! Like my newfound 1337ness at Guitar Hero. I'd fuck you up at Guitar Hero. No questions asked.

Other than that, how's everyone else doing? I'm not here to stir up any pots or bring anyone down... Just waiting for my public apology and looking for some information to see where this (fake) investigation is headed...

Maybe I'll post again if I think about it.

Oh, and a sidenote to Pam -
I just noticed in a thread somewhere that you said I've been lurking. In all honesty, this is the first time I've logged into the site since I ridiculed you.

Another sidenote - I don't even remember what events lead up to me doing that. All I know is that it was one of the funniest and most gratifying things I've ever done to someone. Hope there aren't any hard feelings!

Your friend forever,

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Recent warnings, infractions, and bannings; - by Panties - 05-12-2008, 09:20 AM

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