05-25-2008, 03:35 PM
hellsing293 Wrote:You're missing the point. Should people be encouraged to post more and be actually helpful for the sake of rep? Gaining said rep for the sake of turning around and being condescending over other members with less rep?
I know that posts have been low lately, but instituting a superficial system like rep for the sake of increasing post counts is buying them in blood (not literally guys, this is an internet forum--it's an expression).
The system as a whole brings out some of the negative aspects inherent in all humans: the want for respect, a feeling of superiority, and false charity to satisfy one's own ends.
The forums would be better off without the rep system in place. The only ones who become a legend are those who kiss ass like no tomorrow, look for opportunities to gain rep and post solely for that purpose, or are actually uber-helpful, knowledgeable, kind, AND active.
On the other hand, having the requirement based solely on posts can open the opportunity for spammers/idiots to become legends. I mean, 2000 posts is a lot, however, not impossible for a spammer/retard. Can you imagine Tigeroip being a legend? Make the legend status what it used to be: a user group comprised of very respectable members.
My idea is one that nobody (especially the legends) will probably like: completely abolish the legend status for ALL members that have not been past moderators. Clean, simple, straight-forward.
This is why higher status should be harder to obtain, otherwise everyone can spam their way through and become an "Immortal". As far as Reputation goes, it has never been easy to obtain rep even if they kissed ass(with the exception of one member). Otherwise we would have a mass flood of Legends. But I also think moving up to "Immortal" should be generally approved by Immortals+