06-05-2008, 10:29 PM
AngelzUnit Wrote:I guess if it's integrated that means I can't change it later? I guess that might be a problem later on, I wonder how bad are the video cards that come with them then? Well, it says that I can upgrade them when I purchase it, maybe I should ask them for a decent one from the start so maybe I wouldn't have to change it later...
yeah for example.. mine is integrated but also i Have to other slots.. so when i upgrade mine I have to buy a new video card and sound card.. because as of now i own a dell dimension 3000.. and its sound card is tied in with the on board graphics card... i also have a PCI type.. I upgraded my computer with 2 sticks of 512mb ram and it has really helped.. just dont upgrade to vista.. because vista needs atleast 1gb to run smoothly so if its using all ur ram to run then u have none left over for your programs.. its about the same to build ur pc as it is to buy a new one.. unless u look into buying a new hardcore one.. which is on avg around 800-1200 U.S. dollars..