KazeCloud Wrote:This is the kind of mentality that plagues us teens. Its as if the only problem you see with taking drugs is dying. That's almost like, the only thing you worry about when having sex is being pregnant.
MJ is a less addicting drug, and seems to have much less side effects compared to major drugs. However, many people especially teenagers like us, fail to see the long term side effects that ultimately destroys us.
MJ affecting the body: Research on the long-term effects of MJ abuse indicates some changes in the brain similar to those seen after long-term abuse of other major drugs.
All it takes is once a month, before you become addicted.
A journey of pain and drug abuse all starts with a single try.
Edit: Sorry, looks like you can't spell *********.
Dude you can NOT become physically addicted to MJ and 11 times in a row is enough for anything to be considered a habit (even washing your clothes), so the whole month thing is rubbish. I've quit smoking MJ many times after smoking it every day for more than a month...the only withdraws you get is: grumpy and bored.
and we heard your last post the first time. Take your straight edge misinformation back to your local weezer concert.
Ever since man has existed there have been drugs and man has taken those drugs. Tribes all over the world still take drugs we don't even know about. Native Americans still take peyote today. Drugs are part of culture, part of being human, you like pepsi/coke right?
And I haven't touched a drug in 8 years. Some drugs I'm against, some drugs I am for. I've once had a gun pointed in my face after going to a friend of a friend's house only to find out it was a coke party, the guy told me to do a line, because he thought I was a cop. I told him I wasn't a cop and walked out the front door. Ended up getting in a fight with the guy a few blocks away, beat his ass.
In hind site it wasn't the smartest thing in the world to do, but I was so anti-coke that I didn't care. Later on I met the guy again and we became sort of good friends.
Point is people who are anti-drug (that've never taken them) have been led to believe that because of the massive amounts of propaganda that has been drilled into our heads since elementary school. D.A.R.E., ect... I refused to do coke because I knew that it was one of the harder drugs, that could become habit forming. I only did in my entire life: MJ, LSD, Shrooms, and beer. I refused to even take asprin when I was younger, but after I started drinking...I let that rule slide a little bit.
Nothing wrong with not doing drugs, but it doesn't make you a better person and preaching about it is selfish. We live in a society where people are allowed to make their own choices and people protesting anything they don't agree with is simply annoying.
P.S: This whole logging you out after 5 minutes needs to go.
EDIT: Holy crap I read your post wrong, I thought you said It only takes one month to get addicted to MJ. But you said: "All it takes is once a month, before you become addicted."
...GTFO! You seriously do not belong in any topic concerning this subject. You have zero knowledge on this subject, you could've at least googled something to make an argument, but you pulled that out of thin air. In fact we're all dumber for having read your post, I award you no points, and may *** have mercy on your soul.