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PvP Stories
I have had some funny experiences while leveling/Questing on a PvP server. I will share mine and you guys share yours.

Here is 2 I can remember off the top of my head:

I was questing in Outlands minding my own business.. Next thing I know a Alliance druid flys in (flight form not a mount) unshifted kills me.. Shifts into flight form and flies away.. Kinda like you would if you saw a vein it was that quick..

Another time I was questing in Hellfire over by the Green goo.. And I hear a druid stealth behind me.. I wait do my scream aka fear send him hurlying into a crap load of mobs and he dies.. I couldn't stop laughing he was trying to get me and I got him.

Edit: Since I named the title wrong might as well share your pvp stories as well.

Messages In This Thread
PvP Stories - by Osirus - 09-17-2008, 08:45 AM
PvP Stories - by Arc - 09-17-2008, 01:11 PM
PvP Stories - by Fuggle - 09-17-2008, 02:24 PM
PvP Stories - by link[km] - 09-18-2008, 03:56 AM

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