12-27-2008, 08:40 PM
Nethran Wrote:When the universe does things we can't explain, there is often a scientific and/or logical explanation. No person of intelligence, religeous or not, would tell you otherwise. Just because a person is Christian, or Jewish, or Islamic, or Hindu, or Buddhist... It doesn't mean that they're morons and think that every unexplainable phenomenon is a miracle of their respective god. To think such a thing is small minded.
I think you overestimate some Christians. I don't think that people that subscribe to a certain religion all believe a certain way (and I don't believe I even implied that I did), but the way religion functions definitely breeds idiotic thinking.
I can't remember who actually made the quote, but I read it in a Richard Dawkins book, but essentially he said that religion thrives in the holes of modern science. I don't know what kind of religious people you know, but that's essentially what religion has been doing from the start.
"Oh, the sun comes up in the morning? It must be a god that pulls it up on his flaming chariot" or "this woman is a virgin (scoff) and is pregnant! It must be God that infused her with a child!"
There are people that completely throw away the idea that dinosaurs existed, and believe that dinosaur bones are a hoax because they literally translate the Bible and shut their ears to everything else that contradicts it.
It's not the moderate religious people that I despise, it's those that deliberately turn away science and the closest thing we know to the "truth", and leave themselves in the dark that I can't stand. Or those that make bank on gullible people's gullibility with what I consider to be no better than voodoo and, sometimes, hate speech. Televangelists are the main target there, btw.
And childhood indoctrination is no better than any of this, really. Let your kid make his own decisions, and let him believe what he feels is right. I'm not going to disown my future children for being Christian or Muslim, or whatever they feel fits best their beliefs, and I'm certainly not going to push one thing onto them, even atheism.