12-28-2008, 08:13 AM
Nethran Wrote:As for "childhood indoctrination," I will be teaching my son to be Christian, because while I think he should learn to think for himself and will be a little disappointed but not distraught if he chooses another path later in life, I believe that disbelief in Jesus as the Messiah and son of God can grant you a ticket to Hell. I understand that that's not your belief and you don't like the idea that people have beliefs, but it's mine and I'd rather my son, when he comes to the age where he's no longer considered an innocent, be educated in my beliefs to the point that he doesn't go to Hell, being that that is a possibility, which I believe it is. I think that's clear.
That seems to be one of the weird faults in religion. Shouldn't atheists have access to "heaven" if they are good people, even though they don't believe in God? And if God is, indeed, omniscient, shouldn't he understand why people would be skeptical?
I think it's more important, if you're trying to raise a kid that will get into heaven, that you teach him to be a good person before you even begin to teach them about religion, if that is your choice. Because they don't go hand-in-hand. Sometimes they actually work against each other, and being a good person should take priority.