02-02-2009, 06:43 PM
dude this guide is for noob cs zon ...
i got 1 that kill EVERY cs zon in east ladder and first thing dont use a dungo use a tgod because of the dmg it add like 1k dmg minimum... so kill more faster....2nd things ring ....- use a raven for cannot be frozen and a bk for like and skill not 2x ravens ... dex is useless on cs zon u dont need dex to touch ...so that stupid to use a raven...3nd thing tstroke are good for melee but for caster that tele u need titan for frw and to throw them free....4nd ..shield ...- u can easily take off a barb with a 20-20 if they are bm u should 1 hit kill all of them with or whitout res ..i 1 hit kill all barb with maxed res and 7k life in 1 or 2 hit depends on the dmg i do ...5nd ..charms...get a full inventory of java gcs lifers ..or just java gcs ... and the rest is ur ztorch anni and a couple of 20life 5 all res sc..ho and dont put any stats point into dex or str ull do a str glitch put all in to vita u should have like me 4k life ... and for farcast it suck dont need it to kill zon with fc and i usualy kill almost every char easy whitout fc too...no need mod to kill ppl easy with a gg cs zon ho and for when u duel druid RUN ..run then throw a couple of lighting fury to kill their summon and then keep running until he tele on u u should be able to 1hit kill him if ur enough fast ...and for ur fc u said u if a sorc can shoot fb a zon can shoot cs .. u have lighting fury to throw too so fc still bm ...and noob....so if u want to get a very gg cs zon get the 1 i just sent ... ty
i got 1 that kill EVERY cs zon in east ladder and first thing dont use a dungo use a tgod because of the dmg it add like 1k dmg minimum... so kill more faster....2nd things ring ....- use a raven for cannot be frozen and a bk for like and skill not 2x ravens ... dex is useless on cs zon u dont need dex to touch ...so that stupid to use a raven...3nd thing tstroke are good for melee but for caster that tele u need titan for frw and to throw them free....4nd ..shield ...- u can easily take off a barb with a 20-20 if they are bm u should 1 hit kill all of them with or whitout res ..i 1 hit kill all barb with maxed res and 7k life in 1 or 2 hit depends on the dmg i do ...5nd ..charms...get a full inventory of java gcs lifers ..or just java gcs ... and the rest is ur ztorch anni and a couple of 20life 5 all res sc..ho and dont put any stats point into dex or str ull do a str glitch put all in to vita u should have like me 4k life ... and for farcast it suck dont need it to kill zon with fc and i usualy kill almost every char easy whitout fc too...no need mod to kill ppl easy with a gg cs zon ho and for when u duel druid RUN ..run then throw a couple of lighting fury to kill their summon and then keep running until he tele on u u should be able to 1hit kill him if ur enough fast ...and for ur fc u said u if a sorc can shoot fb a zon can shoot cs .. u have lighting fury to throw too so fc still bm ...and noob....so if u want to get a very gg cs zon get the 1 i just sent ... ty