06-08-2010, 04:48 AM
skidude Wrote:Runeseeker please don't post links to that website here, Glad u got your bot working, If u ever need updated bots and such get them from our download page. If u need any more help with d2nt let me know
you know i don't even know if d2nt fixes gear lol
I have never came back with broke gear tho even after running it for 10+ hours, soon as i come on i go to npc and click repair all, the bot makes tons of money so u should have the money to fix everything easy
yea it does make the money and things. i just thought that it would be cool if it repaired gear once a game or something so that even if you left it running for 36 hours straight it would do so independently so nobody ever has to touch it. just an idea tho. the bot is still great how it is! ^^