07-01-2010, 07:50 PM
Akao Wrote:Hey there, i just downloaded the Bot, and i configed my the paladin ntl file and renamed it after my char name (AkaoH) --> "NTConfig_Paladin_AkaoH.ntl" (i use extensions so the .ntl is correct).
But every time i try to run it, it says:
".... \D2NT31_NTBOT42\D2NT\Scripts\NTBot\NTBotGame.ntj (17) : ReferenceError: NT_LoadConfig is not defined"
And i tried to read all this thread to figure out what the problem was.. but i just cant.. :/ Can i get so help so i can try get this bot working
I just added one of those pastebin files..
By AkaoH on the 1st of Jul 2010 04:08:20 AM --> http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=vECK8vUB
This is out my manager looks like :
I had this problem in start too , I never got the answer too it when i asked in here so all i did was to redownload the bot files and i didn't do that NTConfig_Paladin_Name I skipped my name and after that it just worked . Run in admin mode too on manager.