BudBud Wrote:Hi erm I have pretty much read the entire tutorial lol....but I wanna know how to speed up the bot from picking drops? So far my bot kills n clear n then pick drops..is there a line where i can alter it so that I can pick it as soon as it is dropped?In the char file, after configuring the attacks, last line of that block says something about "clear area = true" change it to 'false'..
Ibehung Wrote:Seen a bot doing public Baal Runs, was auto naming them like wekillbaal-73 then 74, so on.. it also opened up teles in room that u fight the minions in and auto partied people... anyone know where to find that bot?This bot here, D2NT is the one you looking for..
You can configure to run public ou privet, set messages and even room name [passworded or not].. the "73", "74", etc. is automatic.. so dont worry!
Look out for the D2NT3.2 [or 3.1.. dont remember right now], download it and give it a try!