10-05-2010, 02:03 PM
Lacred Wrote:I have seen this question asked skimming through these forums and topics, but I have yet to see an answer. I use D2NT with a light sorc. With the ladder reset, no one is greatly geared...The bot runs fine, but the sorc teles into a group of enemies, and is imediately owned. I would greatly appreciate a link or script that can help remedy this, and I thank anyone for a reply back!
A simple but obvious suggestion would be to either tweak your gear, or play a lower difficulty level.
You could also set your chicken setting lower, but I doubt it would do much good.
Quote:Originally Posted by wrestlr145
Ok so I'm confused about the cd key part. Exactly how do I know which files to put in there and when I put in the examples you list I get version verification issues. Any ideas?
Sasquach Wrote:I am having the exact same issue. I didnt get much out of the posts that followhelp?
It's really rather simple, but regarding version verification issues, just re-install.
The "CDKey" part isn't required, and is for users that want to use multiple keys.
You would create a cdkey.mpq file, place that cdkey.mpq file in your Diablo II Directory and then just list in that field your cdkey.mpq file. So if your cdkey.mpq file was actually named key1.mpq then that is what you would put in the field.
It's all explained and it's all very clear. If you need it made any clearer someone will have to make you a video.