01-15-2011, 02:10 PM
Rizzelet Wrote:Hey guys, just trying to set up my sorc for a simple Countess rune run on normal. At the moment, my sorc can tele faster than she can regen.about the mana problem
Well, after using up the first column of super mana pots in the first run, the bot will go try and buy more. It continuously goes back to Akara to buy normal mana pots which are way too low level but are the only ones available in normal. However, during the run, my mana will be completely drained because the regular mana pots can't regen in time so I'll just get stuck mid-run with no mana after using like 3 of the normal mana pots and the bot will not use any of the ones that are left, not even the super ones from the 2-4 columns.
Any idea of why this could be? Thanks in advance for any help
On a side-question, how do you set up the bot to auto-pickup gold, since it's not doing that already.
Here's my code file, if its needed:
1:for some reason if minor mana potions are for sale, even if others are for sale,the bot will only buy the minors.
2:the only things that I know of to do and they are what I did with my bot(actually started using teleport at level 18 with the bot)
are to
1: get some damage to mana (ith runes in armor, shields, or helms)
2:get some more mana regen (eth runes or skull gems in armor or helms, eth runes in shields)
3:get some mana after kills (tir runes in anything)
4:increase your maximum mana (sapphires in armor and helms,Frostburn gloves,ect)
if you don't have enough mana to teleport you need to either remake your character with mana in mind(my level 18 sorc had 498 mana) or sacrifice all of your mf gear for mana gear.It also depends on what level you are, if you are above 27 try to at least get an insight merc.Also try to set your pickit file that you use to collect all mana potions except minor.
and also in the pickit that you use you will find the gold at the very bottom of the normal.nip file. the section you need looks like this(the colors just divide the sections for readability)what you wanna focus on is the green text.
// ##### Potions #######################
//[Name] == MinorHealingPotion
//[Name] == LightHealingPotion
//[Name] == HealingPotion
//[Name] == GreaterHealingPotion
[Name] == SuperHealingPotion
//[Name] == MinorManaPotion
//[Name] == LightManaPotion
//[Name] == ManaPotion
//[Name] == GreaterManaPotion
[Name] == SuperManaPotion
[Name] == RejuvenationPotion
[Name] == FullRejuvenationPotion
// ##### Keys ##########################
//[Name] == KeyOfTerror
//[Name] == KeyOfHate
//[Name] == KeyOfDestruction
// ##### Essences ######################
//[Name] == TwistedEssenceOfSuffering
//[Name] == ChargedEssenseOfHatred
//[Name] == BurningEssenceOfTerror
//[Name] == FesteringEssenceOfDestruction
//[Name] == TokenOfAbsolution
// ##### Gold ##########################
[Type] == gold # [Gold] >= 5000
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)