01-16-2011, 03:54 AM
Jammer74 Wrote:whats your gear and how far along in the quests are you?
I have Tal's helmet and belt but nothing else is really notable. In terms of quests, I'd say I have about 50% complete but I've already done most of the important ones that provide worthwhile rewards. I'm following a basic lightning sorc guide.
I do have another question though. I'm trying to set up D2NT 3.1 on my laptop (Win7 64) and I've gotten past most of the other errors, but I get the Reference Error (17) right after I create a game. Is this because I haven't named my char profile properly (NTConfig_Sorceress_charname, right?), because I've checked it many times and it seems alright to me. Is there any other reason I could be getting this error?