Bosx Wrote:How ever i ran into a new problem I am trying to get my bot to loot stave's so she can sell them i placed this code but it doesn't seem to be working i can not find a answer to this across the net so I am hoping you may be able to assist methe [ItemAllSkills] is for +skills like shako,Annihlus,maras ect . Unfortunately you have to use [ItemAddClassSkills] or more specifically [ItemAddSorceressSkills],
I basicly thinking this would make the bot loot any staves and sell them if they do not have a item skill of 4 or greaterCode:// ##### Staves ########################
[Type] == Stave && [Quality] >= exceptional # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == ElderStaff && [Quality] == elite # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == CedarStaff && [Quality] == exceptional # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == GothicStaff && [Quality] == exceptional # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == RuneStaff && [Quality] == exceptional # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == QuarterStaff && [Quality] == exceptional # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == JoStaff && [Quality] == exceptional # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == ArchonStaff && [Quality] == Elite # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
[Name] == GarnledStaff && [Quality] == normal # [ItemAllSkills] >= 4
also I can not for the life of me figure out how to get her to the do the same thing for orbs
if this is not the correct code could you show me where im going wrong.
thnx this site is extremely helpful hoping to learn as much as i can about this great program and macros.
however either of those only work on magic and rare staves as white or socketed staves only have what Blizzard calls staff mods or in laymens terms up to +3 individual skillchoices
with up to +3 skills so say Blizzard, warmth, and Enchant, all possible +3.
[Name] == ElderStaff && ([quality] == Normal || [Quality] == Superior) # ([SkillBlizzard] >= 3 || [SkillThunderstorm] >= 3 || [SkillWarmth] >= 3)
[Name]== ElderStaff && [Quality] == Magic # [SorceressSkills] >= 3 && ([SkillBlizzard] >= 3 || [SkillThunderstorm] >= 3 || [SkillWarmth] >= 3)
you would do much the same thing for orbs
or you can use a generic [type] like
[Type] == SorceressItem && ([quality] == Normal || [Quality] == Superior) # ([SkillBlizzard] >= 3 || [SkillThunderstorm] >= 3 || [SkillWarmth] >= 3)
[Type] == SorceressItem && [Quality] == Magic # [SorceressSkills] >= 3 && ([SkillBlizzard] >= 3 || [SkillThunderstorm] >= 3 || [SkillWarmth] >= 3)
hope that helps
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Well I’m not there all the time you know Some people, some people, some people, Call it insane, yeah they call it insane, (sugar) I play russian roulette everyday, a man’s sport, With a bullet called life, yeah called life,(sugar)