03-10-2011, 07:34 AM
mordantes Wrote:Hello,
i just want to use it with my bowazon, but i'm not able at all.. since.. i'm a little tard on this matter.
Anyway I let te bot run, change the paladin config renaming it in to amazon, setting the attack at the bottom of the NTConfig_Amazon file using the number of the skill taken from the NTAttack file, but my char don't attack nothing.. it runs, it moves, it goes to the boss.. but don't fire a single arrow.. where i'm wrong?
I am assuming your problem lies with the portion Editing Attack Config - 2.5
However, this guide does not cover what you are having exact trouble with. I'm not a Code guru but, I will attempt to help you. Follow part 2.5 of my guide.
Easier to read version in this link (Still working on fixing the code tags for it :\ ). Link: Bravehost - Website under Construction
When you are done with that, goto the top of the code where it sets the variables for each skill and there ranges. Once there, add in the skills used by you set in the Char config for your Amazon. Run the bot. If it works, great. If not, copy the file and save a copy elsewhere as a back-up and try whats below.
Re-open the file, in the second portion of the coding it goes over various arguments about what skills to use and when. Go through ALL of these arguments and replace every paladin skill with the corresponding Amazon one. Run the bot again. If it works, great. If not, I recommend looking for an Amazon script or posting a new thread here in the forums looking for help.
Hope this helps,