03-15-2011, 03:58 AM
Valdez Wrote:This bot is built around Lod, however if it runs for you in Classic, great. Now, your questions..
1 & 2) The files that tell it what to grab are the Pickit files. They are located at "D2NT\scripts\NTBot\item_configs". Now if you do not know anything about pickit editing you may want to back-up the files before you change them. Also the files "NTItemAlias" and "NTItemParser" are great reference tools for pickit editing as they contain all the pertinant data on Pickit editing. Do NOT change "NTItemAlias.NTL" or "NTItemParser.NTL" though, use them as Read-only. They are located in "D2NT\scripts\libs\common". I'm not a 100% shure what you mean by #2 but I'm guessing you want it to sell stuff you don't want. Well, the bot will not grab anything that isn't listed in its pickit, now if you have things in the pickit set to certain stats, it will ID those items and sell them if they are not what is required by the pickit.
3.) With current scripts it is set to clear only specific things and in a specific order. To change that, you would have to do extensive script editing or finding and using a 3rd Party script. So the simple answer would be no.
4.) Sorry but I don't know of any examples for any but I'm sure some others do. A simple google search for "NTBot Sorc Scripts" may also yield some though I cannot guarentee their saftey or reliability.
Thanks! Okay I have everything working, I editted the pickit scripts for classic and seems to be working. One issue I'm having is that the bot will run out of pots but won't go back to town and grab more. I found that adding 0X01 to the 'NTConfig_CheckSelfSafe = ' will make the bot go to town but only after 1 sub script is done. I.E. running to Cata lvl 4 then tele to town; after clearing Chaos star area, etc.
Is there any other way to do this? Especially during boss fights.
My travincal script isn't working, is Classic Travincal alot different the LoD Travincal?
Thanks Again!