Coolda Wrote:The thing is I'm running solo and get that error, it seems to me that the bot doesn't open the seal then teles away then back but still can't open. It might be attributed to lag but I dunno, is there anyway to set the bot to check more then twice?
Also, I'm running classic so I don't have the luxury to use LoD items. Also does anyone have a classic travincal script? or know the monster ID for classic? I still am unable to run my trav script, everything else is working. I found something for the tele btw, Blizzhackers • View topic - [SUPPORT] D2NT 3.0 support thread thanks to AyatoKahmina (Give credit where it's due) if anyone is curious.
Also I get an error that says: MTTMGR_CheckSafe() failed
It's likely just a Bugged seal that is unclickable. Have you tried manually clicking it when the bot was unable too? Sometimes they can become unclickable at various angles. It could also just be excessive lag as well.
The check MTTMGR_CheckSafe() failed error can occur once ever so often. I am not 100% what it is that causes it, only that it is related to the bot trying to see if you have any cureses, posions or other effects that debilitate your character. I think it is caused by it trying to goto town to remove the effects but it either lags out and they can't take the TP or the NPC is lagged out/bugged.
Other than that, I don't know. Those are useually errors you just have to live with. :/
th3dutchman Wrote:I'm trying to get my barb to work with the bot and I have gotten him to go to different areas but he won't attack anything, even when he is blocked by enemies attacking him. please help
I have not run a barb or even tried too, but my first question is. Did you recieve any kind of error when it happens and if so, post the WHOLE error please. Also, make shure you have the abilities that the bot uses by default on your character. You can check "NTAttack.NTL" in "D2NT\scripts\libs\common" and let me know and myself or someone else will see if we can help!
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