05-15-2004, 04:51 AM
._| 3 Vv |3 Wrote:wait, so does Alma Negra's nat 70% ed work on Smite? did i read that right? if so does that mean that all ed jewels in your equip up ur smite dmg? wow that could make things pretty decent.... and if you max holy shield/defiance you can get pretty nice def out of certain builds
I have no clue what allmynegros is and defiance has no effect on smite
just use lvl 99 smite and lvl 99 holy shield, auras such as conc, might, fana add to smite as well....
fana is probably best since it also adds ias. so try lvl 248 fana aura when equipped
but im stickin to my story, str is easiest way to get more dmg.
try setting your str at 2013200