02-09-2012, 02:47 AM
Lukincool Wrote:ok that worked...sortagot to the scripts which i amended as best I could, big fail here
, could not save to the correct .ntl format so when i started the bot up it ditched all my gear and ran the scripts of the default sorc....aarrggghhhh
so the questions I have are
1. how do i save to the correct format( iam running windows 7)
2. how do i right the script for which weapon to use?? i have a orb / lite storm sorc (i do have a cta equipt secondry)
3. how do i controll where the sorc oges i just wanna do chaos baal runs seems easiest
any help here would be great
the bot otherwise seems to have loaded no problems
thanks again
First off can I get you to go here - http://www.blizzsector.co/hacks-bots-edi...post484894 - read up on this and DO NOT download from that link
on #1 you already have the bot plus that is a outdated bot so start with #3 and follow the red txt real close - when you get done and ready for - 5. save and close the file - do that just save and close then after that go back where that is is and RIGHT click on it and say RENAME - the name looks like this now - NTConfig_Sorceress so now just add the name of your char caps and all has to be exact spelling so if my char was named comper it would look like this - NTConfig_Sorceress_comper - so since it is already a .ntl file just use the save
1. follow what I have there ^^
2. this will be set in this group - Attack configuration you have to set what your main skill - plus make sure your cta is in the #2 slot on your d2 char the slot #1 is for your main weapon if you have them switched bot will still do the bo but will try to use the cta to fight also
3.when there is a // in front of the boss scripts bot will NOT run that boss to run a boss REMOVE the // and remember you always have to leave the // in front of the lines that are at the end of the main lines - those are there to tell you what that main line will do or what to change in the main line
so read up on this - http://www.blizzsector.co/hacks-bots-edi...post484894 and give that a try and let me know if you need any other help
oh one last thing down in the manager part on that web page DO NOT worry about #3 this - 3 - CDKey - type in the files that contains your cdkey, the base files are: "d2char.mpq;d2sfx.mpq" that is not correct so leave it blank