im sorry to annoy you, but is there another way to create a key mpq ? i mean not the tool from the first page of this threat. it doesnt work, because you have to enter the old-smaller key.
/info: bot ran all night long^^ so far ohm and some mals dropt and some kinda unique stuff ^^
thanks a lot
/E: thanks comper for the key reader/mpq creator.
btw i try to get the right command to clear cs in front of killing diablo ist maybe: "NTConfig_DiabloExtension = true" or sth like "NTConfig_ClearChaosSankturium = 1"
/info: bot ran all night long^^ so far ohm and some mals dropt and some kinda unique stuff ^^
thanks a lot
/E: thanks comper for the key reader/mpq creator.
btw i try to get the right command to clear cs in front of killing diablo ist maybe: "NTConfig_DiabloExtension = true" or sth like "NTConfig_ClearChaosSankturium = 1"