Thanks for the information, i'll play around with these and see if it works. One more question, will these lines work? I want my bot to pick up non ethereal items.
This is the untouched line
[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == Superior && [Flag] != Ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] == 15 && [Sockets] == 3
My version
[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == Superior && [Flag]+[EnhancedDefense] == 15 && [Sockets] == 3
untouched line
[Name] == ThrowingSpear && [Quality] <= rare && [Flag] == Ethereal
My version
[Name] == ThrowingSpear && [Quality] <= rare
Does my version work and if not, what do I need to fix in order to pick up non ethereal items. Thanks
This is the untouched line
[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == Superior && [Flag] != Ethereal # [EnhancedDefense] == 15 && [Sockets] == 3
My version
[Name] == Crown && [Quality] == Superior && [Flag]+[EnhancedDefense] == 15 && [Sockets] == 3
untouched line
[Name] == ThrowingSpear && [Quality] <= rare && [Flag] == Ethereal
My version
[Name] == ThrowingSpear && [Quality] <= rare
Does my version work and if not, what do I need to fix in order to pick up non ethereal items. Thanks