That got me the download ty much.
Now i have a new Q the -w -title "Dia" -mpq "key1.mpq" ..... for the mpq file can it be "cdkey1.mpq" cause i already named mine when i recreated with Serby's cd key changer and i no longer have access to the set.
(also have a second set same scenario)
2nd Q does adding the second set come in the (-w -title etc.).
if not i will figure it out later
once again ty for the help
Now i have a new Q the -w -title "Dia" -mpq "key1.mpq" ..... for the mpq file can it be "cdkey1.mpq" cause i already named mine when i recreated with Serby's cd key changer and i no longer have access to the set.
(also have a second set same scenario)
2nd Q does adding the second set come in the (-w -title etc.).
if not i will figure it out later
once again ty for the help