05-19-2004, 08:26 AM
ui used big words skye heh
any way my sorc had about 532 mf and merc had 200 + but she would die trying to tele to meph and andy would kill her and her merc sucked so i would say its not all about mf its about how many runs u can do with out dieing and wasting time.... for expample my friend was doing andy runs (lvl 90) 200 - mf and he found a tal ammy..... 30 second runs.
any way my sorc had about 532 mf and merc had 200 + but she would die trying to tele to meph and andy would kill her and her merc sucked so i would say its not all about mf its about how many runs u can do with out dieing and wasting time.... for expample my friend was doing andy runs (lvl 90) 200 - mf and he found a tal ammy..... 30 second runs.