05-20-2004, 11:50 AM
Well, i guess this argument can be viewed several different ways depending on how one looks at the title... the best all around character, now i took it to be referring to the character with the most versatility, (i.e.-the most different effective builds, or something to that effect) or.. i suppose you could read it as "the character with the best all-around single build" now the way i read it... meaning the one w/the most effective builds... it would be a paladin without a doubt.. simply because there are SO many different variations with whom (with the right equip) can solo hell... not many chars have ANY builds that allow them to do this, let alone multiples.. but basically you can make a pali with any skill off the combat tree you wish, and with the right setup, you can SURVIVE, if not own pvm or pvp.. ( if you would like to know the different builds i'm referring to.. Zealot, Avenger, FoH'r (best pvp), Hammerdin (best pvm), smiter (used to be very good b4 syn.), Charge Pali (Incredible +% dmg when syn maxed and using fana and right equp) basically every skill on the combat list lol