05-27-2004, 04:01 AM
Can someone tell me whats wrong here??
; Slot Configurations
; Slot configurations allow you to define settings for multiple characters
; You may set the default slot to use above (if you only use one character for runs)
; You can name your slots anything you want, and you may have as many as you want
; They should look something like this:
; [slot1]
; Account=walladk
; Password=****
; .
; .
; [slot2]
; Account=walladk
; Password=****
; .
; .
; etc.
; Account=walladk
; Password=****
; CharPosition=5
; Positions on character selection screen are as follows:
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; 7 8
; Difficulty=3
; 1 = Normal
; 2 = Nightmare
; 3 = Hell (default)
; Precast1=Hotkey,Delay;Hotkey,Delay;...
; configures passive spells
; i.e. Sorc's Energy shield, Barb's War cry... which will be cast before entering
; red portal.
; Example for sorceress: Precast1=F5,500;F6,500;
; F5=Energy shield, F6=Shiver Armor
; Precast2=Hotkey,Delay;Hotkey,Delay;...
; Works just the same as Precast1 except this precast will be cast AFTER you enter
; the portal... thunderstorm, warcries, etc. should go here
; e.g. Precast2=F7,600;
; F7=Thunderstorm
; If you only want to use one precast, leave the other blank and it will be skipped
; Teleport=Hotkey,Delay;
; specify teleport, currently only supports teleport, not walking/running
; Teleport delay is also affected by 'MaxVariance' (above)
; Example: Teleport=F4,800;
; F4=Teleport
; AttackSequence=Hotkey,Repeat,Button,Delay;Key,Repeat,Button,Delay;... etc.
; Hotkey - key to press (F1, F2, F3,...)
; Repeat - number of times to repeat the attack (use 'H' to hold down the mouse button)
; Button - which Mouse button to use, 1=left, 2=right
; Delay - minimum delay between attacks, also affected by 'MaxVariance' (above)
; so for example: Attack=F2,2,2,1500;F3,6,2,400;
; Let's say F2=Meteor and F3=Fireball then this configuration would right-click
; to cast Meteor twice with a delay of 1500 ms in between, then right-click
; to cast Fireball 6 times with a delay of 400 ms.
; For precast, teleport, and attack sequences, you may set the hotkey to "NULL" and
; the bot will not send a hotkey.
; E.g.: Precast1=NULL,500;
; will simply make the bot pause for 500 ms.
; NeedMerc=0
; Set to 0 if you don't need your merc, 1 if you do (will res merc when it dies)
; Set to 2 if you want the runs to stop when merc resurrection is unsuccessful
; If set to 1, the bot will attempt to resurrect merc every run, but continue runs
; If set to 2, the bot will stop runs after 5 failed resurrection attempts
; Default is 0
; HealLife=500
; If your health goes below this amount then the bot will use a potion from your belt.
; Set to 0 if you don't want to use this feature. Be sure to disable potion use for
; zPickit (in 'zoid.ini'). You cannot use a percentage for this setting. Default is 0.
; If this setting is disabled, then chicken is disabled as well.
; ChickenLife=200
; If your health goes below this amount while you are in Nihlathak's Temple then the
; bot will immediately exit the game. It is recommended that you do not use zPickit
; chicken and this chicken at the same time. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this
; feature. After chickening, the bot will use a potion from your belt upon entering
; the next game, if needed. You cannot use a percentage for this setting. Default is 0.
; This feature will automatically be disabled if it is greater than the HealLife amount.
The program says : Invalid slot name ( slot1 ). check your configuration..
Can someone help me here?
Thanks !
; Slot Configurations
; Slot configurations allow you to define settings for multiple characters
; You may set the default slot to use above (if you only use one character for runs)
; You can name your slots anything you want, and you may have as many as you want
; They should look something like this:
; [slot1]
; Account=walladk
; Password=****
; .
; .
; [slot2]
; Account=walladk
; Password=****
; .
; .
; etc.
; Account=walladk
; Password=****
; CharPosition=5
; Positions on character selection screen are as follows:
; 1 2
; 3 4
; 5 6
; 7 8
; Difficulty=3
; 1 = Normal
; 2 = Nightmare
; 3 = Hell (default)
; Precast1=Hotkey,Delay;Hotkey,Delay;...
; configures passive spells
; i.e. Sorc's Energy shield, Barb's War cry... which will be cast before entering
; red portal.
; Example for sorceress: Precast1=F5,500;F6,500;
; F5=Energy shield, F6=Shiver Armor
; Precast2=Hotkey,Delay;Hotkey,Delay;...
; Works just the same as Precast1 except this precast will be cast AFTER you enter
; the portal... thunderstorm, warcries, etc. should go here
; e.g. Precast2=F7,600;
; F7=Thunderstorm
; If you only want to use one precast, leave the other blank and it will be skipped
; Teleport=Hotkey,Delay;
; specify teleport, currently only supports teleport, not walking/running
; Teleport delay is also affected by 'MaxVariance' (above)
; Example: Teleport=F4,800;
; F4=Teleport
; AttackSequence=Hotkey,Repeat,Button,Delay;Key,Repeat,Button,Delay;... etc.
; Hotkey - key to press (F1, F2, F3,...)
; Repeat - number of times to repeat the attack (use 'H' to hold down the mouse button)
; Button - which Mouse button to use, 1=left, 2=right
; Delay - minimum delay between attacks, also affected by 'MaxVariance' (above)
; so for example: Attack=F2,2,2,1500;F3,6,2,400;
; Let's say F2=Meteor and F3=Fireball then this configuration would right-click
; to cast Meteor twice with a delay of 1500 ms in between, then right-click
; to cast Fireball 6 times with a delay of 400 ms.
; For precast, teleport, and attack sequences, you may set the hotkey to "NULL" and
; the bot will not send a hotkey.
; E.g.: Precast1=NULL,500;
; will simply make the bot pause for 500 ms.
; NeedMerc=0
; Set to 0 if you don't need your merc, 1 if you do (will res merc when it dies)
; Set to 2 if you want the runs to stop when merc resurrection is unsuccessful
; If set to 1, the bot will attempt to resurrect merc every run, but continue runs
; If set to 2, the bot will stop runs after 5 failed resurrection attempts
; Default is 0
; HealLife=500
; If your health goes below this amount then the bot will use a potion from your belt.
; Set to 0 if you don't want to use this feature. Be sure to disable potion use for
; zPickit (in 'zoid.ini'). You cannot use a percentage for this setting. Default is 0.
; If this setting is disabled, then chicken is disabled as well.
; ChickenLife=200
; If your health goes below this amount while you are in Nihlathak's Temple then the
; bot will immediately exit the game. It is recommended that you do not use zPickit
; chicken and this chicken at the same time. Set to 0 if you don't want to use this
; feature. After chickening, the bot will use a potion from your belt upon entering
; the next game, if needed. You cannot use a percentage for this setting. Default is 0.
; This feature will automatically be disabled if it is greater than the HealLife amount.
The program says : Invalid slot name ( slot1 ). check your configuration..
Can someone help me here?
Thanks !