06-06-2004, 12:23 AM
CinderStorm Wrote:If you want a MF/Rusher Sorc, I would go with the Orb sorceress.
20 Cold Mastery
20 Ice Bolt
20 Frozen Orb
and alternating between TS and Lightning Mastery
Its not only good for killing Mephisto/Andy/Pindle but good at PK as well
The TS does sufficient amount of damage (mine does around 1500) I use it for the knockback effect so that I can orb them to death. But also With this gear -
Tal armor + p topaz
Tal ammy
Tal belt (15%)
p topaz shako
um lidless
ist occy
47% war travs
2 sojs
8 Cold gcs
7 7% mfscs
I have a 800 orb with -230% to enemy cold resist along with around 450% mf
I 4 orb mephisto and 3-4 andy and 1-2 for pindle. So if you want a somewhat good sorc for Mf/Rushing i would say the orb sorc, however when a cold immune comes out just run, dont even bother -.-
My opinion
how about changing the TS into firewall
which one will be better? cold + fire / cold + lightning?