06-07-2004, 09:15 AM
YES, guyz you can hack closed battle.net. However, their security and prevention systems are very extensive and effective. aaa... the simplest of all the hacking of battle.net can be found in the most common maphack. the way maphack works, in lameman's terms for u non hackers, is this: when you activate maphack, your character position is documented as the center point of a viewing radius, not ur light radius, but the radius that ur minimap appears, they're 2 diff things. Now, how it works is it simotaneously, <-- spelled wrong?, places your character throughout the entire act, in otherwords, it fakes the server into believing that your character occupies every cubical in the map, therefore all of the map is revealed. When it comes to hacking more complex things, the same method, basicly, is used. for instance you can hack your B-Net chars, within your D2 files, there are .ds2's of every character that you have ever taken into a game. Now finding them is hard, hacking them is easy, but replacing them is the hardest part. to explain it we have to look at what happends when your computer crashes. Periodly your Battle.net characters are backed up onto your hard drive, Now Blizzard servers will use the copy of the character on your HD if and ONLY IF, your connection from B-net was unexpectedly interrupted and your copy of the character is within 8 seconds of that termination point. finally to further protect security, the character has to be 97% alike the character that was last stored on the battle.net server. Which would be the char that you had logged on with. so if you want to hack, go at it...... i wish you the best of luck, and the best coffie that the world has 2 offer cause ur gonna need it.