06-08-2004, 03:12 PM
srry i havent posted in a while, ive been trying to keep up with my "Womenly Obligations" but n e ways. To start off with you guyz are all wrong, the closest one to being right is The Apossal, he's right in that all of these files are incryipted. But, guys, seriously, do you honestly think that Battle.net would waste their time to store only your character's map???? No of course not, Within all of the .Ma* files there is encryipted data that contains all of your character specs. From what i could determine, the encryiption on the files, i think, is around 512 bits, which might seem week to some of you more serious hackers, but Blizz is only securing game info, not bank accnts and passwrds. However, as with all encryiption, it can be broken. Now, I'm not saying that i know the location of every possible bit and attribute to your character, the only one that i ever found was the Strength attrib. And believe me when i say that it was a miracle that i found that. Look guyz, im not making my claim to fame, you all asked if it was possible to hack characters that are stored on Battle.net servers, and I'm telling you that it is, I have done it and it is a very long process. Guyz, I had a team of my friends and I working on this for about 2 weeks. The only thing that I found was the string for the stength of a character. I couldnt find what i had wanted to find....inventory info..... and im telling you guyz its a long and hard road, that only lead, for me, to dissapointment of being caught. but trust me when i tell you that within all of your .Ma* files, there is some information, if not all, of each of your characters.