06-10-2004, 11:33 AM
Hey: does anyone have help--way more than a readme--for getting a brute force proggy to work for Diablo2? I know that Nubli (admin here?) was looking for one once, so don't pm me with hate for bringing it up. I'd only use it against absolute *****ers. I actually do have a Brute prog, but I'm not gonna post it to the dl section for many reasons: 1) it won't work til I know how to specifiy its use to Diablo; 2) if i did get it functioning properly for d2, publicizing it would turn bnet into total chaos. I don't think general brutes work in d2, but I know someone who claims to have used one with great success. The original reason for my need for the danged thing is to protect myself against that guy (lol). So this goes out to Nubli or anyone else: did you get one tailored to d2; or did you figure out how to use one for d2? Send any help to [email protected] with any tips. Again, I can't and won't make my proggy public b/c of worries about its misuse: we can't just go after ppl that we are mad at; they also hack to be jackasses. Besides, I'm sure my proggy won't work :p And if it does, don't be a jerk on the realms. :eek: