06-11-2004, 03:03 AM
Einhander89 Wrote:Ok The invisible scam is easy to do , its warriv but u dont stand right next to him like a d0uche. you click on him and then right as he gets ready to talk click away and OMG u are like a screen away from him when u sail east , so it looks like there is no way you could have just sailed. then sail back west or take the wp to cold plains or back to the camp. Imbue a leg and say it is buggy/hacked how ever u want to word it. show them that it works and u got your self a good scam. Im surprized ppl havent figured that one out. and if they ask you how you activate it just say you have to run up and down in a line or somthing just bs it.lol I usually just enter the game for fun whenever i see "bug wirt's here" and then I tell them, "if you really turned invisible when the leg was equipped you could just put it on switch and press w right?" then usually they just leave.