06-12-2004, 06:22 PM
TheApossal Wrote:ok heres what you need 2 know havea couple in teleprot so you cna get around and do runs fast and 4 quick escapes.1 in telekienies usefull sometimes..the rest of the skil points is up 2 you figure it out at d2skills.net
now for items i recomend and 3 sokted helm equip with all perfect topazes.you need 2 nagerlings chanceguards goldwrap 20-25 mf boots and for amulet 20-30% mf din.i warn oyu thoguh it reallt tough 2 make 1.you will die alot if u dont have good life so get a medium maybe hiugh amount of life.also sine your doing mf runs i suggest doign the way of the cold max orb.it kills alot of minions quickly and does a decent amount of dmg.
thats a hopeless guide Apossal. He asked for a solo hell mf. you told him to put sum skills in teleport and telekenesis... then you told him to go to a website that didnt even work. then you recommended gay azz items. None of the items mentioned would of helped a sorc solo hell. single tree sorcs cant solo hell.. you told him cold, most of hell is cold immune. most sorcs are cold because they only use there sorcs for meph., pindle, baal and mayb andy.